- speak in an unfriendly tone. 以极不友好的语调说话。
- Don't speak in an authoritative tone. 不要用一种命令的口吻说话。
- He often speaks in an arrogant tone. 他经常以一种傲慢的口气说话。
- David speaks in an authoritative tone. 大卫以命令的口吻说话。
- Sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone. 单调的用不变的音调饿说出或讲话
- He always speaks in an imperative tone of voice. 他老是用命令的口吻讲话。
- To speak in an angry or surly manner. 愤愤不平地抱怨生气或粗鲁地说话
- He spoke in an effeminate voice. 他讲起话来一副娘娘腔。
- He spoke in an apologetic voice. 他说话充满歉意。
- Suppose that you have been stranded in a village in an unfriendly kingdom. 假如你流落在一个不友好王国的一个村庄中。
- He spoke in an aside of his family. 他离开本题谈起他的家庭。
- She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper. 她悄声说话,令人几乎听不见。
- The words to be printed or spoken in an advertisement. 文字说明广告中的印刷文字说明或解说词
- Despite doctrinal differences between the two countries, Iran swiftly recognised a useful ally in an unfriendly neighbourhood. 自苏丹1989年的伊斯兰革命以来,伊朗与苏丹便拥有密切的联系;
- To speak in a strongly nasal tone of voice. 带鼻音说话或发音
- He likes to speak to others in an instructive tone. 他跟别人说话总喜欢带一种教训人的语气。
- To speak in a monotonous tone of voice; drone. 以单调的声调说;低沉单调地说
- It is the first time that I speak in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
- She spoke in a brisk tone of voice. 她用尖刻的语调说话。
- She spoke in a confidential tone of voice. 她用信任的口吻说。